a journey through my random life....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

starting fresh

I love Spring.....sigh....

I love the brightness of the green grass and the vibrant pigment in the leaves of the trees.
I love being the designer of a piece of art called my garden.
I love the feel of the cool black dirt in my hands and popping the thriving little plants out
      of their small square containers. 
I love at the end of the day when I stand in the dusk - looking out at the perfectly straight
      rows of green and texture. I take in a deep breath and a smile crosses my
      face..... and at that moment I feel somewhat like the seamstress of a quilt.

That is sort of where I am in my life. In the Spring.... Winter was hard....
There were times that I felt that I would forever be stuck neck deep in a snowbank. And although I know that the warmth of Summer lies ahead I have yet to bask in it's brightness.

So as the reader you are witnessing the planting of a new seed.....a seed of a new blog. The beginnings of a work that will bloom and grow. 
I loved the blog that I called home before. I enjoyed sharing the stories of my life with others. Things of current moments and of colorful memories of my childhood....But life makes it's twists and turns and sometimes things just need to be new and fresh. Sometimes circumstances happen that make us have to pick up stakes and find new fertile soil. So as difficult as it is not to see the list of previous posts along the side of my page I am excited at the possibilities that are around the corner.
While starting fresh I tried to find a name that was a real description of how my blog is designed. I pondered and lived with this name for several months and finally decided that it is a fair description of my life. My Scattered Soul....Anyone who knows me would most likely understand the reasoning behind the name. I have the ability to go from one topic to another so quickly that I am sure the average person gets whiplash while in a conversation with me.

I am at peace to have a home again to share my thoughts. A place to share the crazy things that go through this busy mind of mine. I missed the time away. I missed putting on a page the words that flew about my mind.

Of course there are the same aprehensions that I experienced when beginning  my previous blog....
Will anyone care???...
Will anyone follow???...
Will I find topics to interest another reader???....
How will I go about making my mark???......
I assume they are all the same thoughts that go through the minds of most new bloggers.

But.....here I am with my little shovel and my gardening gloves... ready to see what harvest lies ahead.....I hope you enjoy the view..

Have a beautiful day friend....